Can I Receive Emergency Dental Treatment?

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Can I Receive Emergency Dental Treatment?

No one wants to have an emergency; however, they are a part of life and it’s better to be prepared and know what can be considered an emergency and what to do about it. In the case of dental emergencies, different things might lead you or someone you care about to need urgent care.

Two main things are to be considered when it comes to emergency dental care in Calgary. The first is, fractures or any type of direct trauma to the teeth. This is especially common in children and teenagers, who often fall or are hit while playing. If this takes place, you should call the dentist near you immediately to let them know you’re going in or to get a referral to an emergency dental clinic.

The second thing that often causes people to need urgent dental care is pain. Having a toothache is considered an emergency, as it might be a symptom of something being very wrong with one of your teeth. Furthermore, this type of pain is often incapacitating. Therefore, when the pain can’t be handled with home remedies, it’s best to make that call to your dental clinic in Calgary.

Something you should know is that not every dental clinic in Calgary offers emergency services. If you have a dentist, you should ask them if they offer emergency hours. Furthermore, you can directly call their clinic in case of an emergency. They should be able to provide information regarding emergency dental clinics in Calgary even if they do not offer this service.

How to identify if you have an emergency or not

Certain things are undoubtedly an emergency, while in other situations you might be able to wait and get a next-day appointment with a dentist near you. You need urgent care if:

• A tooth has fallen from its socket. Regardless of a cause, this is something that needs to be tended to as soon as possible.

• There’s unstoppable bleeding. If you or someone you know is suffering from abundant bleeding, which doesn’t stop, it’s time to get urgent care.

• The pain just won’t go away. If there’s significant pain, then it’s better to call a dental clinic in Calgary and get that checked out immediately.

The importance of getting emergency dental care

Timely intervention might be the difference between you losing your tooth or preserving it. This is especially true after a traumatic accident, which might have happened after a fall, during a sports game, or even after a car accident. Therefore, it’s better to be prepared for the worst while hoping for the best.

Once you’re in the care of dental professionals, you should ask important questions. Sometimes, even if the emergency is resolved, you might need further treatment to eliminate the root cause of the problem. Therefore, when you go to the dentist near you, you should ask them what the next steps involved are. These may vary depending on the cause of the issue. If the problem is tooth decay, you might need root canal treatment. However, if it was a sports-related accident, they might recommend the use of mouth guards.

Prevention is key

Prevention can help you avoid encountering a dental emergency. When it comes to tooth decay, you must visit your dentist twice a year at the very least. They can conduct a full evaluation of your mouth and keep your teeth clean and cavity-free. This way, you’ll have a healthy smile, without the risk of having to end up seeking emergency dental treatment in Calgary in the middle of the night. While accidents happen, we should apply prevention anywhere we can.