Do Mouth Guards Help with Teeth Grinding and Clenching?

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  • Do Mouth Guards Help with Teeth Grinding and Clenching?

Teeth clenching and grinding, also known as a condition called bruxism, is a fairly common disorder that is painful and destructive to teeth. Luckily, our team at Montreux Dental Clinic has the solution for you. With mouth guards in Calgary, you can get the rest you need while protecting your teeth from the forces of clenching and grinding. Read on to learn more.

All About Bruxism

Bruxism is more common than one might think, and many people may not even be aware of their own grinding and clenching. Some symptoms of bruxism include:

● Jaw Facial pain
● soreness
● Excessive fatigue
● Waking up with headaches
● Worn-down teeth

While occasional teeth grinding may not cause any significant concerns, long-term, constant grinding can lead to loss of tooth enamel, broken teeth, and even loss of teeth.

The exact cause of bruxism is unknown, but research has linked it to stress and anxiety. Other contributing factors may be smoking, caffeine and alcohol intake, sleep apnea, and crooked teeth.

How Can Mouth Guards Help?

Most cases of bruxism can be easily controlled using custom mouth guards near you. These work by placing a barrier between your upper and lower teeth. When you clench your jaw, the mouth guard lightens that amount of tension on the jaw muscles and protects the teeth from damage.

Custom Mouth Guards

While there are many options for over-the-counter mouth guards, the safest, strongest, and most effective mouth guard is custom designed by a dentist in Calgary. When you visit most dental clinics in SW Calgary your dentist will begin by taking impressions of your teeth to send to a dental laboratory. There, your custom-made mouth guard will be manufactured. Once it is ready, your dentist will invite you back to the clinic so that they can ensure the mouth guard fits properly and make any necessary adjustments.

Since custom-made mouth guards are shaped to fit your specific mouth structure, they offer the most protection while providing you with optimal comfort. If you opt for over-the-counter mouth guards, you may find them comfortable and even bulky enough to restrict your breathing and make your nights even more restless than they were before.

Adjusting To Your Mouth Guard

It may take a few weeks to adjust to the feel of your mouth guard and get used to the idea of having it in at night. Remember to stick with your mouth guard for at least six weeks and make a habit out of wearing it. After this amount of time, wearing a mouth guard at night will feel like a normal part of your nightly routine and should be a lot more comfortable in your mouth.

Please don’t put your mouth guard in until you are ready to sleep, as it may irritate you while awake. Just pop it in before you shut your eyes, and you will be good to go for the night.

Visit Montreux Dental Clinic

If you have noticed that you are consistently waking up with a headache and feeling tired and irritable throughout the day, you may be suffering from bruxism. At Montreux Dental Clinic, we are happy to offer patients custom-made mouth guards so that they can get the rest they deserve and protect their teeth from harm. If you would like to learn more about mouth guards, don’t hesitate to contact our team to book a consultation today.