Everything You Need to Know About Night Guards

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Everything You Need to Know About Night Guards

Night guards have become a perfect solution for people that tend to grind their teeth at night. As you can imagine, this constant wear will only cause damage to the enamel of your teeth. This might make them more vulnerable to decay and ailments like cavities. Let’s take a closer look at what night guards are and why your dentist in SW Calgary might think you need them.

Night guards and bruxism

Bruxism is the scientific name for grinding your teeth. This is a lot more common than you might imagine. Many people manifest the stress of the day during the night, by clenching their jaw. Some even feel a bit of discomfort the next day due to this. If this is the case for you, then you should consider going to the dental clinic near you.

There are different types of night guards, which one your dentist will recommend varies. The determining factor is how severe your bruxism is. Soft night guards in Calgary can be found over-the-counter, and they’re usually provided to people that only have a slight grinding issue. The more severe the problem, the harder the night guard required will be. The downside to this last type is that they tend to be more uncomfortable.

Who needs them?

A dentist will be able to tell you if you need a night guard by just looking at your teeth. Sometimes, people don’t even realize they suffer from bruxism. However, the evidence is usually there. Some of the things your dentist will identify are teeth that look flattened, cracks or fractures in your teeth, morning headaches, and broken restorations.

If you present any of these signs and symptoms, which can also come with pain and sensitivity, consider looking for night guards near you. However, it’s always ideal for you to visit the dentist in SW Calgary, as they will provide better guidance on which type is best for you.

Customized night guards

As we’ve said, some night guards in Calgary are sold over-the-counter. However, a customized night guard is always recommended. This way, it’ll fit as perfectly as possible. This will make the adjustment process a lot easier. Furthermore, if you are a hard grinder, then it might be best to get one of the most durable mouth guards. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself constantly replacing them.

Caring for your night guard

You’ll want your night guard to last for as long as possible. Given their function, eventual wear and tear is inevitable. However, there are certain things you can do to extend their lifespan:

  • Clean them regularly: All you have to do is rinse them with warm water right after you use them. Afterward, you can reach for a soft toothbrush with a little bit of toothpaste to brush them. Finally, rinse them and make sure to store them in a dry container.
  • Clean the case: Many people forget to clean the case where they store their night guard. Ideally, after you obtain your night guard at a dental clinic near you, they will provide you with a case. You should clean it with soap and water at least three times a week. This way, you’ll avoid bacteria accumulation.
  • Keep them safe: Store your night guard in your closet preferably. This way, you’ll avoid the humidity of the bathroom. Something to keep in mind after getting night guards near you is to protect them from children or pets. Children are very curious, and they might damage them without intending to.

This piece of final advice will make your experience with your night guard easier. During the first few days of wearing your night guard, put it on before you actually go to bed. This will allow you to adjust to it before attempting to fall asleep.