Interesting Facts I Bet You Never Knew About DENTAL HEALTH & OVERALL HEALTH
The mouth is the window to your overall health, which means that your oral health is much more important than you may think. Oral health issues can be linked to diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer and more. Caring for your teeth is not just about aesthetics or the appearance of your smile, it is also about ensuring your teeth and gums are healthy to avoid the development of oral health issues. Our Aspen Dental Clinic takes this matter very seriously. We discuss the link between oral health and a variety of other health issues and how we can take preventative measures to avoid these developments.
Oral Health and Diabetes
The medical and dental research has shown a link between type 2 diabetes and increased incidents of periodontitis or gum disease. While there is more research needed to further conclude that gum disease can actually develop into diabetes, there are a few theories that propose why this link exists. Some propose that infections in the mouth can lead to inflammation throughout your body on a low scale, which can affect your sugar-processing abilities over time, which ultimately leads to the development of diabetes. If you have any concerns about your oral health and are experiencing inflammation in the mouth, contact our Dental Clinic Calgary.
Oral Health and Heart Disease
Similarly, to diabetes, the connection between poor oral health and cardiovascular disease has been pinpointed but has not been determined as to whether or not there is a direct causal relationship between the two. A number of risk factors have been identified such as smoking and old age, which can both lead to gum disease and heart disease.
If you have a history of heart disease in your family and are experiencing any type of oral issues, it is important to contact our Dental Clinic Calgary SW and we can conduct a variety of oral tests that can determine the state of your oral health in relation to your overall health.
Pregnancy Complications & Gum Disease
Pregnancy is not only a time where there are many adjustments and changes in one’s lifestyle, but it is also a time where maintaining good health is mandatory. For many pregnant women, gum disease or infections come about from fluctuating hormone levels during their pregnancy period. On the contrary, this can also occur during a woman’s pregnancy due to lack of adequate oral care. It is believed that gum disease or inflammation can trigger an increase in the chemical compound prostaglandin, which can induce labor.
A study showed that women who develop gum disease between weeks 21 and 24 of their pregnancy are seven times more likely to give birth before week 37. There is also evidence to confirm that poor oral health during pregnancy can lead to the low birth weight of the newborn as well. A number of studies found relationships between periodontal disease, low birth weight, and pre-term birth. If you are pregnant and have not been in to check the status of your oral health, contact our dental clinic in Calgary to book an appointment.
Pneumonia and Gum Disease
Another condition that is linked to poor oral health is pneumonia. This link has been established through research conducted on high-risk populations. A study conducted in 2008 with elderly participants discovered that the number of those who developed pneumonia was almost 4 times higher in patients that had periodontal disease. If you are an elder patient and struggling with oral health issues, we can help you improve this as well as your overall health. Book an appointment at our Aspen dental clinic to better understand your oral health standing and get the right kind of care.
Practicing good oral hygiene habits, from early childhood to your elderly years is tremendously important. Your oral hygiene routine and the emphasis you put on oral care can directly impact your health and ability to develop other medical conditions. Our Dental Clinic in Calgary strives to ensure all of our patients have access the quality oral care at all times. If you are looking to examine or improve your oral hygiene efforts, book a free consultation with us today!